ALFALFA HAY 2.5kg Jerami Alfafa {FREE VitaDrops (multivitamin for pets)10ml worth RM7.00while stock last}
Category: Hay
30 cm (Length) x 30 cm (Width) x 30 cm (Height)
Buy 2.5kg alfafa hay 1 pack, Free Vita Drops 10ml (While stock last)
Weight : 2.5kg
100% Natural
Origin: Australia / USA
Suitable as food and bedding for small animals such as rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, prairie dog and other rodent.
Makanan keperluan guinea pig! Guinea pig perlu mengunyah jerami/hay untuk mengasah giginya supaya kekal pendek.
Vita Drops 10ml
menjaga kesihatan binatang kesayangan kamu, jauhi dari kesakitan,
boleh bagi setiap hari, titis dalam makanan atau air minuman atau terus di mulut mereka
Suitable for daily use for all kinds of pets, for healthier pets, enhance their immune system,
Highly concentrated, 4 drops daily in food/water
for small size pets like guinea pig/hamster, each time 1 - 2 drops
for medium size like cat / rabbit, each time 2-3 drops
for big size like dog, each time 4-5 drops
Providing major vitamins, minerals & enzymes
Major nutrients: Vitamins A/B/C/D/E, CA, Lycine, etc
Net content: 10ml each botol
*Please check your shipment once received, after certain time Shopee will not accept dispute if there is any problem with the order*
The hay is sold in kg not amount
So we will pack those hay in our own way unless you leave a comment as your demand.
Order more than 3kg we will pack in a big black pack , cut a vertical line on top and draw the hay out
#guineapig #rabbit #hamster #alfalfa #alfafa #hay #makananguineapig #wonderpethouse #hannycaviary
View more about ALFALFA HAY 2.5kg Jerami Alfafa {FREE VitaDrops (multivitamin for pets)10ml worth RM7.00while stock last} on main site