I-Bunny Alfalfa / Timothy Hay 1kg [First Cut] Import From USA (Buy Per Kg FREE VitaBunny 150ml Worth RM 5)

I-Bunny Alfalfa / Timothy Hay 1kg [First Cut] Import From USA (Buy Per Kg FREE VitaBunny 150ml Worth RM 5)

Category: Hay

Timothy, Alfafa

(Buy Per Kg FREE VitaBunny 150ml worth RM 5 while stock last )

I-Bunny Alfalfa Hay is ideal hay for growing, pregnant, or nursing pets.
It is best to offer to your rabbits, chinchilla, guinea pig, prairie dog, and other small animals as treat anytime.
* High in Protein
* High in Calcium
* An essential source of energy
* Succulent taste

Timothy hay is a good all around hay for the general dietary needs.
I-Bunny Timothy Hay is perfect to serve your rabbits, chinchilla, guinea pig, prairie dog, and other small animals.
* Low in Protein
* High in Fiber

Kualiti Nutrisi Hay
Kualiti nutrisi biasanya dinilai melalui pemotongan. Biasanya terdapat 2 tempoh potongan :

1. First cut :
– dipotong pada musim bunga
– Biasanya lebih kasar dan keras

2. Second cut:
– dipotong pada musim panas
– biasanya lebih halus hasil tunas yang dipotong ketika 1st cut

*Please check your shipment once received, after certain time Shopee will not accept dispute if there is any problem with the order*
*All hay was imported from US , please notice that *SEASONAL CHANGE* may effect the quality of hay , we did not control the weather , Timothy grass is a “cool season” grass*
*The hay is sold in kg not amount

We will pack those hay in our own way unless you leave a comment as your demand. Order with 3kg above will be received a whole black bag contained hay Cut a vertical line on the top and draw the hay out

For more information, feel free to contact us.

View more about I-Bunny Alfalfa / Timothy Hay 1kg [First Cut] Import From USA (Buy Per Kg FREE VitaBunny 150ml Worth RM 5) on main site