Fish Lab Aquarium Fish Treatment 400ml

Fish Lab Aquarium Fish Treatment 400ml

Category: Fish

Anti-Virus, Enteritis, Comprehensive, Skin Fester

Skin Fester
Product Description
This product is a new type of therapeutic agent. It can effectively treat bacterial infections caused by trauma, such as rotten flesh, rotten tails, rotten fins, descaling, red spots, hard scales, bloodshot blood, sepsis and other bacterial diseases. White hair is also called water mold, which is a kind of fungus. Infected skin diseases, water mold invaded the wound and multiplyed, skin mucus increased, skin surface inflammation, muscle ulceration, wound sac congestion, ulceration and necrosis and other preventive treatments.

Anti-Virus Disinfectant
Product Description
This product is a super-strong microbial fungicide, which does not harm the physiology of fish and is harmful to ornamental fish. Bacteria, molds and fungi have a rapid killing effect, such as white spot disease, gill rot, white hair disease, internal and external parasites, etc.It is used for anti virus and sterilization of fish tanks, fishing gear, bait and anti-inflammatory of fish.

Enteritis Treatment
Quickly inhibit and treat hsh bacterial infections, pathogen infections, such as acute enteritis anal sweiling, anorexia, intestinal bleeding, white stool, mucous globular feces, bunching, etc, effectively killing proto-intestinal bacteria, coliform viruses, and other bacteria Enteritis disease.

Quickly heal the most troublesome hole, swollen mouth and cotton syndrome. Common diseases such as fin shrinkage, congestion and fin rot, parasites such as ciliates, small melon worms, spores, cryptoflagellates, etc., villous disease, glass worm, bloodshot, ulcer, leukoplakia, enteritis, anus redness etc.

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